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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Windows Live Writer continued again

I thought that I had found a way to use Live Writer to add Blogger Beta Labels to my posts. Unfortunately I was only half right. I was able to make labels search links in the posts, but the labels for each post itself are not transferred to Blogger.

The only workaround I have at the moment is to insert Technorati tags and then manually copy those tag labels to Blogger by editing the post. It's a pain but hopefully they will include this functionality in the future.


Webmiztris said...

whoa. that's way too much work. :D

Bonez said...

Yeah it's more work, but not that much more. Now that Blogger Beta includes an edit post link on the page when I am logged in it's really only a few clicks and ctl-v's and it's done.

Still, it's beta software and hopefully they will improve the features as they go.

Anonymous said...

thanks for posting this. i've been digging around all over the place to find out if it was possible. now i know and i can stop looking and just wait for them to add this feature for blogger blogs. and thanks for giving a workaround as well. i think i'll be using that until WLW gets updated.

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