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Thursday, October 12, 2006

My Theatre

More testing with Live Writer. The software comes with the ability to insert maps and/or satellite imagery into a post. So, as part test and part blog, here is the theatre that I work at.

The green roof in the center of the photo is Ipswich Civic Hall.  The building was opened in 1975 by then Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam. For the majority of that time it was run as a town hall and had very basic technical facilities.

Over the past 3 years we have upgraded large sections of the building to remove safety issues and to increase the technical equipment and services that we can provide.

In the past year we have had nearly 700 room bookings across the 4 rooms. Of those bookings nearly 200 were in the Auditorium which keeps us busy.

Next year is looking even bigger and I am looking forward to the continual expansion of the shows that we provide.

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mrsnesbitt said...

amazing stuff!

Can we use the same program for the UK?


Bonez said...

As far as I know it works worldwide. It's basically Goggle Earth but Microsoft

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