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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Things are settling down

Things have definitely started to slow down for me. I've gotten some of the stuff
unpacked in the new house and the reduced travel time each day (down to 5 minutes from nearly an hour) has meant that I am getting a hell of a lot more sleep than I was.

This morning I even had time to take the dog for a walk. I haven't had the time or energy for that in a long time.

I've spent the last few days at work setting up and learning the new audio console. The Digico D1 Live is a phenomenal piece of equipment that is going to make my job a whole lot easier.

Overall, I am just enjoying a far more relaxed lifestyle than I had while I was living in Brisbane. The neighbourhood is much quiter, the pace a lot slower and living alone is finally becoming normal.

Life is great!


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